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Create a myWBF portal account

Ready to start the next stage of your career journey? Create a myWBF Portal account to

Already have an account?

Log in to myWBF to complete the next step of your application or check your application status.

If you’ve forgotten the email address you signed up with, don’t create a new account – call us at 780-452-1200 to reset your account. 

Protection of Privacy: 
The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of Section 33 of Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for purposes such as admission and registration, administration of records and student services. Students’ personal information may be disclosed to academic and administrative units according to Women Building Futures policy, federal and provincial reporting requirements and Student Funding Associations. For details on the use and disclosure of this information contact: Women Building Futures, 10326 – 107 Street, Edmonton, AB T5J 1K2.

Click here to view our full privacy policy